Sunday, May 5, 2024

Coolant leak - 5/9/2024

 I always had a small persistent coolant leak and never put much effort to tracking it down. Overtime, coolant system would be near empty, and temps would climb up to around 216F. This would be my indicator that the coolant was low. Replaced the thermostat housing coolant cap, and no difference.

After finally tackling the issue, the root cause ended up being both turbo water lines had been in pretty bad shape. Attempted to shorted the top line, as it was leaking from the near the water housing only to find the bottom hose was also leaking.

Purchased new hoses from Auto-Zone and $4 later we no longer lose any coolant. Temps average 196F.


Work Done:
Replaced turbo coolant lines

Update: (5-9-2024)
After driving a few days, I have not lost a bit of coolant since swapping the lines. Issue is now resolved!